CICERONE will launch the new EU Circular Cooperation Hub at the end of March 2021 during its final event, and looking for expressions of interest from programme owners, i.e. funders of circular economy programmes, to participate in the Hub’s future collaboration activities.
The EU Circular Cooperation Hub (EU CCH) has been designed over the last two years based on the feedback from all our stakeholders and will provide key services to programme owners such as:
- Advisory services to build joint programmes
- Access to an updated Circular Economy SRIA
- A repository of European programme owners and their programmes/initiatives
- Capacity building services to support the design of systemic joint circular economy programmes
To ensure the continuity of all our efforts, we are calling out for Declarations of Intent from programme owners, i.e. funders of circular economy programmes, for your support to join the Hub following its launch in March 2021.
Click here to find out more about the services of the Hub
Click here to send your Declaration of Intent
By submitting the Declaration of Intent, you declare, as a programme owner, your intent to join the EU Circular Cooperation Hub (EU CCH), launched by CICERONE in 2021, and commit to participating in the platform’s activities, among others by:
- Joining the online portal of the EU Circular Cooperation Hub, alongside other programme owners across the EU
- Sharing information and best practices on the progress of our circular economy strategies and roadmaps
- Seeking potential collaboration opportunities with other public authorities
- Exploring proposed resources from the EU Circular Cooperation Hub for the development of local activities, for example the Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda on Circular Economy (SRIA
For more information please reach out to us at