We are pleased to announce that the new Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda (SRIA) on Circular Economy is now published, and available for download here.
The SRIA was developed based on eight priority themes (biomass and biotechnologies, chemicals, construction and demolition, food, plastic, raw materials, waste and water) and builds on four societal areas that face sustainability challenges (urban areas, industrial systems, value chains and territory and sea) to identify priority areas to tackle EU region-wide issues and facilitate the circular economy transition.
Based on the innovation priorities identified across Europe, four joint programmes were developed in the SRIA to support stakeholders with the design and implementation of systemic circular economy programmes:
Circular Cities
Circular Industries
Closing the Loop
Resource Efficiency on Territory & Sea

Developed within the H2020 CICERONE project in consultation with a wide range of stakeholders, the SRIA will constitute the backbone of the future joint programming platform for circular economy: the EU Circular Cooperation Hub.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all stakeholders that have provided feedback throughout the development of the SRIA, and invite programme owners and policy makers to our upcoming workshop that will present the concept for the future joint programming platform developed by the project.